We don't have anything but happy trees here. Think about a cloud. Just float around and be there. Now it's beginning to make a little sense. Once you learn the technique, ohhh! Turn you loose on the world; you become a tiger. There isn't a rule. You just practice and find out which way works best for you. Just take out whatever you don't want. It'll change your entire perspective. Let your imagination be your guide.
We'll play with clouds today. You can't have light without dark. You can't know happiness unless you've known sorrow. Trees grow in all kinds of ways. They're not all perfectly straight. Not every limb is perfect. Be careful. You can always add more - but you can't take it away. Put it in, leave it alone.
You don't have to be crazy to do this but it does help. We tell people sometimes: we're like drug dealers, come into town and get everybody absolutely addicted to painting. It doesn't take much to get you addicted. Almost everything is going to happen for you automatically - you don't have to spend any time working or worrying. Don't fiddle with it all day. I'm going to mix up a little color. We’ll use Van Dyke Brown, Permanent Red, and a little bit of Prussian Blue. Brown is such a nice color. Isn't it fantastic that you can change your mind and create all these happy things? Everything is happy if you choose to make it that way. By now you should be quite happy about what's happening here.
You can create beautiful things - but you have to see them in your mind first. That's a son of a gun of a cloud. We don't need any guidelines or formats. All we need to do is just let it flow right out of us. If you do too much it's going to lose its effectiveness. Let's make a happy little mountain now. This is a fantastic little painting.
Give him a friend, we forget the trees get lonely too. Work that paint. We'll put a happy little sky in here. Let's get crazy. Just let these leaves jump off the brush Water's like me. It's laaazy ... Boy, it always looks for the easiest way to do things
Trees get lonely too, so we'll give him a little friend. This is gonna be a happy little seascape. I'm a water fanatic. I love water. This is where you take out all your hostilities and frustrations. It's better than kicking the puppy dog around and all that so. You can't make a mistake. Anything that happens you can learn to use - and make something beautiful out of it. There it is. Little trees and bushes grow however makes them happy.
Even the worst thing we can do here is good. Zip. That easy. You are only limited by your imagination. Let's put some happy little bushes on the other side now. God gave you this gift of imagination. Use it. Fluff it up a little and hypnotize it. We artists are a different breed of people. We're a happy bunch. It's a very cold picture, I may have to go get my coat. It’s about to freeze me to death.
This is your creation - and it's just as unique and special as you are. Let's build some happy little clouds up here. You don't have to spend all your time thinking about what you're doing, you just let it happen. It's cold, but it's beautiful. No worries. No cares. Just float and wait for the wind to blow you around. Nothing wrong with washing your brush. You've got to learn to fight the temptation to resist these things. Just let them happen. Only God can make a tree - but you can paint one.
Let your heart take you to wherever you want to be. It just happens - whether or not you worried about it or tried to plan it. We must be quiet, soft and gentle. You can do anything your heart can imagine. I want everbody to be happy. That's what it's all about. Use absolutely no pressure. Just like an angel's wing. Go out on a limb - that's where the fruit is.
I guess that would be considered a UFO. A big cotton ball in the sky. You better get your coat out, this is going to be a cold painting. Just let your mind wander and enjoy. This should make you happy. Don't be bashful drop me a line. You create the dream - then you bring it into your world. Let's put some highlights on these little trees. The sun wouldn't forget them. That's what painting is all about. It should make you feel good when you paint. All kinds of happy little splashes. The shadows are just like the highlights, but we're going in the opposite direction. So often we avoid running water, and running water is a lot of fun.