the green alien
Hello, earthlings! Home planet

If you are looking to build a website that is fast, beautiful and well visible in the search results, you have come to the right place.

Building websites out of this world!


I'm already experienced with:

I'm still exploring:


fimbes website mockup details of the fimbes project
kasia website mockup details of the kasia project
research website mockup details of the research project
game mockup details of the rpsls project
eunika website mockup details of the eunika project
babies website mockup details of the babies project
gallery website mockup details of the gallery project
panda painting mockup random projects
furniture website mockup details of the furniture project


I can brighten up your world with:

You can say hi in any language you want! Here's a list of list of languages i can actually understand*:

*keep in mind, I'm not fluent in all of them

destination planet

I have potential!

ΔV = -GMm [ 1/r1 - 1/r2 ]